Private driving instructors can be sole proprietors or associated with a driving school. They must be licensed by the state and private lessons may be more expensive but offer a more comfortable learning environment. Private lessons are not always necessary and requirements vary by region.
The term private driving instructor can be interpreted in more than one way. It could be a sole proprietor who offers private lessons, or alternatively it could mean anyone, usually associated with a driving school, who offers private lessons for novice drivers. The latter term is used more frequently and is often what people look for when they want to learn on their own rather than sharing instructional time with others.
A private driving instructor must always be licensed by the state to conduct lessons. This is important because the state or region often requires high standards regarding an instructor’s background, driving history, and ability to care for students in an emergency.
In many regions, obtaining a license may require a certain amount of instruction behind the wheel with a licensed instructor. Checking the status of this license through agencies like a Department of Motor Vehicles means that people don’t throw their money away on training that doesn’t apply.
Driving instructions need not necessarily be private, although people should check with a Department of Motor Vehicles or other licensing agency. However, many people end up working with a private driving instructor. For example, nervous drivers might feel extremely uncomfortable driving in front of strangers in a group class or being a passenger in a car with new drivers. In that case, working privately can provide a more comfortable learning environment.
Some people have learning styles that are better suited to one-on-one teaching, and group classes won’t be as effective. Finding a private driving instructor might be a better alternative.
The disadvantage of private lessons is that they are generally more expensive, although the difference between group lessons and private lessons is not as significant. It is suggested that people do some price checking in their area and compare prices from people who operate a particular driving instruction company and those who are employed at a driver’s school.
Note that not all drivers need to take private driving lessons. This requirement may be limited to teen drivers in certain regions. In some regions, people over the age of 18 can simply take lessons from those who teach them after obtaining a learning permit. In many areas, all aspects of driver training were taught in high school, but several regions have limited or abandoned this practice due to expense. Since then, private schools have flourished and finding a private driving instructor is not difficult.
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