What’s Akkawi?

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Akkawi is a pickled cheese made from cow’s milk, pressed, salted, and dipped in brine. It is named after the city of Acre in Israel and is easily spreadable with a salty flavor. It is often confused with nabulsi, which is made from sheep’s or goat’s milk, and halloumi, which is boiled in protein-stripped whey. Akkawi is popular in Middle Eastern cuisine and is used in both savory and sweet dishes. It is produced in Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine.

A creamy style of cow’s milk cheese from Palestine, Akkawi has spread throughout the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. Easily spreadable, with a smooth texture and salty flavor, this cheese is one of the few types of pickled cheese made with a special process of pressing, salting, and dipping. This cheese is named after the city of Acre in northern Israel, which translates into Akka in Arabic.

According to the 2006 book Brined Cheeses by AY Tamime, these types of cheeses are made from raw or pasteurized milk, from a cow, goat, or sheep as in akkawi, but usually a cow. Rennet and calcium chloride are added to the milk, along with sprinkles of salt, then the cheese is drained after being placed in the moulds.

For akkawi, which can also be spelled akawieh or ackawi, the curds are pressed several times to expel the whey. This is then stored in brine, a highly concentrated aqueous solution with salt. The curds are wrapped in cheesecloth before being soaked in brine. Sporadically over the next eight weeks or more, the cheesecloth is squeezed out to further tighten the curds and then moistened again in brine, which is stored in a cool, dark place.

Akkawi cheese is often confused with another popular style of pickled cheese called nabulsi, also a twist on its hometown, the West Bank city of Nablus. This cheese, however, is typically made from sheep’s or goat’s milk and actually takes a short boil in saline, up to 10 minutes. This gives it a slightly distinct flavor from akkawi. Another popular savory cheese from the region, halloumi, endures a boil in protein-stripped whey for up to 50 minutes before its pickling begins.

The main centers for the production of akkawi cheese in 2011 are Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria, although some is still produced in its native Palestine. A popular table cheese in Middle Eastern restaurants, akkawi is spread regularly on pita, naan or even Jewish challah. It is also a popular combination with fruits, salads or fried in oil and served with ajvar – a Serbian relish of peppers, garlic and aubergines. Some desserts such as al-kunafa also feature this cheese; however, it is typically pre-soaked in water to reduce the salt content. Next, it is mixed with a sugary syrup and filled into a paste.

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