Analog signal processing involves mathematical operations on continuous signals, often involving checking, filtering, deblurring, or denoising. It uses capacitors, resistors, inductors, and transistors to control voltage and current. Convolution and Fourier transform are important concepts. Analog signals are used in everyday systems like analog TVs, AM/FM radios, and electric guitars.
Analog signal processing is the mathematical operation or analysis of analog signals by analog means. This can be conducted over a discrete or continuous time span and is the primary way these operations take place. Usually this processing involves some form of checking, filtering, deblurring or denoising.
For the signal to be analog, it must have a continuous value. Basically, the signal must have a time-varying flow of information. Every fluctuation in the signal has an important meaning, unlike digital, which deals with numerical representation. The most common context of analog is in electronics, when a signal is sent as physical information.
In terms of audio, analog signal processing is responsible for changes in bass, treble, and volume controls. Video and television use image processing techniques to control the tint of the image. In each of these cases, the voltage and current are controlled by a series of capacitors, resistors, inductors and transistors.
Analog signal processing is defined in the concept of convolution. Convolution defines the parameters where an input signal combines with the function of a system to determine the accurate output signal. With two analog waveforms, convolution is the factor by which one of the waveforms is inverted and shifted. To calculate the convolution, the first waveform is inverted and shifted to become identical to the second waveform. This creates the analog signal.
The concept of Fourier transform is also important for analog signal processing. Defines the situation where operation transforms a complex analog signal into a series of individual components. This can occur over a period of time or frequency. An example of a Fourier transformation is the decomposition of a musical chord into a number of individual notes.
Often, different types of signals are used in analog signal processing. These include sine waves, pulses and steps. Sinusoids are the key feature of processing. Demonstrate deviations in analog across frequency and time variables. Pulses are signals that represent infinite size and width. Step signals are immediate pulses of information. They demonstrate the sudden response of input, similar to the effects of flipping a switch.
Numerous systems in everyday use use the concept of analog signal processing. Changing the channel on an analog TV requires that the signal be filtered and processed in a certain way. AM/FM radio processes the various analog signals carried across radio waves and creates the output information. Electric guitars also use an analog concept to produce music. The guitar’s inductor transforms the vibration of the strings into an electric current.