Game art design involves creating visual elements in video games, such as characters, backgrounds, and interfaces. It requires artistic talent, computer skills, and an understanding of game design. Game art designers work with game designers to bring their vision to life and can attend schools that offer programs in video game art design. It is a demanding field that requires clear communication, teamwork, and self-motivation.
Game art design is the design and creation of visual elements in video games. Game art designers can be responsible for creating sketches and creating the “feel” of a game, actually drawing or animating characters, backgrounds, interfaces and items, or even designing the lighting in a game. This field is usually very detailed and requires a deep interest and understanding of video games and artistic training and talent.
It’s important not to confuse game art design with game design in general. While game designers and game art designers often work together, game designers are responsible for creating a game’s content, the way the game is played, and the missions or levels players must complete to win. Game art designers do the necessary drawing and animation for the game created by the designers.
There are many diverse skills that someone in game art design needs to have. While it is not necessary to have a long experience in art, the designer should at least have strong artistic skills. Designers must be good with computers and able to learn complex software in a short period of time. They need to learn how to draw and animate interactive characters and objects, as well as create background art. Game art designers also need to be able to create and use storyboards to tell a story.
Individuals interested in a career in game art design must first have a basic understanding of how games are made and must also have basic drawing skills. There are hundreds of schools that offer certificates or degree programs in video game art design. While most programs are offered by technical schools, there are also many traditional colleges that offer these programs as well. Many schools even offer a professional placement program, helping students gain their first position in the field of game design.
Game art design is a demanding field. Designers can expect to work long hours, especially as a product nears the final stages of completion. The ability to communicate clearly, work in a team, and be self-motivated is essential for successful game art design. It’s a tough industry to break into, but one that can be very lucrative with time and experience.