The term “embryonic” is being used to describe projects, ideas, and relationships that are in their early stages. This may be influenced by the ongoing debate about the status of human embryos. With time and care, these embryonic things may develop into something great. Once they do, there are other idioms to describe them. If they fail, those who invested in them may be disappointed.
Recently, a new idiom has entered the linguistic stream. People have started referring to projects or ideas that are just in their infancy, haven’t been well thought out, or are relatively shapeless in that they are embryonic or embryonic. Being in an embryo does not necessarily have negative connotations. A potentially brilliant idea that was floated at a meeting may be embryonic because it hasn’t had the time it needs to develop to a mature enough state.
Perhaps the origin of this relative newcomer can be found in contemporary culture. There is an ongoing conversation, often resulting in an ongoing discussion, about whether or not a human embryo is a human being. Whether a person takes a right-to-choice or right-to-life position, everyone should agree that embryos cannot survive on their own. They need a protected environment where they are supplied with proper nutrition and protected from rough handling, loud noises or other unpleasant inconveniences until they are ready to enter the world.
Just like the next generation not yet born, it can be said that ideas, projects and even relationships are “in embryo”. With time and careful care, one might expect these things to emerge in full glory and with plenty of personality, capable of delivering on their true promise. For now though, a scientific or political theory that has no research to back it up, an architectural design that calls for a certain type of hill that hasn’t yet been located, or what could become true love after the boy just met the girl these are all situations that could be described as embryonic.
Once those things materialize, there’s a whole other set of sayings and idioms ready to rock newborns. A newly minted blueprint might be referred to as a puppy, for example. If problems arise as team members develop the project, the team leader may warn others not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
As the concept or newborn relationship is developing, it may be moved forward carefully and gently as if walking in baby steps. Eventually, such a concept will have to mature enough to stand on its own feet, but for now, it’s as weak as a child. If, over time, it becomes apparent that the project won’t work as hoped, those who invested in the concept when it was in its infancy could cry like babies.