Juvenile criminal justice is a system for young offenders that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Age limits are set by law, and privacy is protected by sealing records. Punishments may include detention or rehabilitation programs, with a focus on education. Rehabilitation may continue after punishment is completed.
Juvenile criminal justice is a legal system for children or young people. It is an alternative to prosecuting children or young people in adult justice systems. Unlike adult systems, juvenile legal systems tend to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment for the crime. This philosophy holds that young people are not as developmentally evolved as adults and are more likely to be rehabilitated because they are young.
Age limits for juvenile offenders are set by law. Young people under the age of 18, for example, could be tried under the juvenile justice system. However, some juvenile offenders may be tried as adults, depending on their age and the seriousness of the crime. A juvenile law attorney can best advise defendants and their families on how a case is likely to go to trial.
Privacy is often protected by proceedings in the juvenile justice system. Unlike an adult criminal case, juvenile court records can be sealed, meaning the records cannot be viewed by members of the public. This is justified as a way to keep the focus on rehabilitation. Sealing documents helps young people avoid the long-term consequences and stigma associated with a criminal record.
After a juvenile offender has been taken into custody, law enforcement personnel may place the juvenile in a detention center for personal protection or to protect society at large. The terms and actions taken in a juvenile criminal justice are also different from those in the adult criminal justice system. Juvenile proceedings typically involve hearings, not trials. In the United States, for example, a juvenile offender might be found delinquent, not guilty. Depending on the laws, a jury trial may or may not be granted.
As with any criminal case, the juvenile offender’s history and any previous arrests are taken into account in determining punishment. Types of punishments might include being assigned to a juvenile detention center, staying in a group home, or attending a boot camp program. Depending on the length and nature of the punishment, there may also be a program to reintroduce the youth into society. One concern of juvenile justice systems is whether they provide adequate education for young people. Lack of adequate education may cause young people to have difficulty completing school or achieving higher education goals.
The rehabilitation aspect of the juvenile criminal justice system may continue after punishment is completed. This could include mandatory placement in counseling or another rehabilitation program. The program may continue until the young person is deemed rehabilitated or until they reach a certain age.