Valuing land involves complex calculations to determine its worth, including independent of buildings, future development, and appreciation or depreciation. Various methods are used, including comparable sales and deployment cost models. Valuation is important for buyers and governments, and computer-assisted massive evaluation programs can help.
Valoración de la terra generally involves numerous calculations to determine how much money a land parcel is worth. Among other things, the valuation requires a determination of how much the land is worth independently of the buildings, who expects that the veteran will be desarrolle in future years and the probability of appreciation or depreciation. Realizing the value of the earth is generally a very complex effort. Menu value evaluators use more than one method to determine the value of the earth before reaching a final number.
Knowing the value of the earth is important for various reasons. Los posibles compradors de tierras a menudo quieren saber cuánto a terra is worth before invertir en él, por ejemplo. Governments also have an interest in knowing how much a specific piece of land is worth to evaluate property taxes. The valuation of the land is the process of determining the actual real value of any land, desarrolled or not.
One of the most common valuation methods is based on the price of the sale of other similar plots. The comparable sales method examines the recent sales of similar plots within the same geographical area to have an idea of what would be sold on the open market. Muchas veces, el método de venta comparable requiere ajustes subjetivos para las diferencias en la tierra y el área circundante. The price of the sale of a closed lot can help you determine the value of a lot. They look for a similar size, for example, but if you have a clean lot with a concurring street, its value will necessarily be a little different.
Many valuation advisors also use a deployment cost model. Based on this method, the evaluators study the existing costs involved in the development of similar parcels and consider any physical attribute of the earth, such as arroyos, storage pockets or rocky soil, which can affect the construction potential. This type of evaluation usually is sufficiently exhaustive, taking into account many different factors.
If the buildings are united to the lots, the things on the menu are more complicated in terms of value. In these cases, the value of the earth requires a calculation of how much the buildings affect the price of the sale and what would be the value of the earth without these added buildings. There are various methods to do this calculation.
The methods of analysis of inputs and analysis of costs are found among the most common. In the input analysis method, the earth valuation advisors estimate how much money earns the property each year. Therefore, the agents determine how much the building is worth and assign a portion of the inputs granted to the building. The rest is the value of the earth.
Evaluators also analyze the value of construction based on the method of analyzing costs, but only in terms of which ones are being built. Under this method, the value of the land is the value of the property less than the construction costs. The value of the menu cost analysis is critical for not taking into account the depreciation or maintenance of the costs.
In the place where you have a lot of conjectures and calculations for your account, many modern valuation agencies are using computers and technology to help them realize the values of the earth faster and more precisely. A variety of programs has been designed to develop formulas and calculate the value of the earth according to various different factors. This process is known as computer assisted massive evaluation, or CAMA.
CAMA programs generally provide the largest data bases of proprietary registers, sales information and input evaluations from previous years. These data bases are known as geographic information systems or SIG. No computer can do the work of a human being, but if used correctly, a computer running a CAMA program can considerably facilitate the work of a valuation advisor.
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