Wireless modems: what are they?

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Wireless modems connect computers to WLANs using cellular, satellite, or WiFi protocols. They can provide Internet services without physical wires. PCMCIA wireless modem cards can provide Internet access through public hotspots. Wireless modems are certified compatible with certain architectures and have specific features to look for. DSL or cable Internet access can also be configured with a wireless broadband modem.

Wireless modems are devices that allow computers to connect to a wireless local area network (WLAN) without physical wires such as Ethernet cabling. They use cellular, satellite, or WiFi protocols to connect to a WLAN, which can then provide Internet services. This differs from dial-up and DSL modems which use phone lines to connect to the Internet, while cable modems use cable TV lines for connectivity.

For mobile applications, a PCMCIA wireless modem card in a laptop can provide Internet access through public “hotspots.” These are geographical areas where WLANs allow public access to the Internet through this type of modem. In some cases, a small membership fee is required, while other hotspots are free.

Many wireless networks use proprietary protocols, and wireless modems are certified compatible with certain architectures. Some protocols, such as CDPD (Verizon), GPRS, and EDGE (AT&T and Cingular), are even slower than dialup; while Cellular UMTS (AT&T) and 1xRTT (Verizon) wireless networks can operate at about 300 kilobits per second (kbs). A new cellular flavor offered by Verizon and Sprint, EVDO, advertises speeds of 400-700 kbs, rivaling broadband packages. Future technologies, including HSDPA from Cingular and EVDV from Verizon, promise even faster speeds.

Another popular network for mobile wireless modems is WiFi (Wireless fidelity), which can run at a respectable speed of 400 kbps. WiFi is used in many Internet cafes and other hotspots. WiFiMax is a newer standard that offers even faster speeds and more features.

Since wireless modems are certified as compatible with particular standards and protocols, you should make sure that the modem you buy has the required capabilities for the networks you want to connect to.
The general features to look for in wireless modems are:

Modem speed.

Protocolli supportati: Ethernet, CPCD, GPRS, ISDN, EVDO, WiFi, ecc.

Frequency band: 900mhz, 2.4GHz, 5HHz, 23GHz, VHF and UHF.

Radio technique: direct sequence spread spectrum, or frequency hopping.

Number of channels for transmission and reception.

Maximum signal strength.

Full duplex versus half-duplex capability (full duplex allows for simultaneous transmit/receive for faster data transfer).

DSL or cable Internet access in your home or office can also be configured with a wireless broadband modem. In this case all the computers in the house can communicate with the broadband modem via wireless network cards, thus eliminating the need for a physical cable between each desktop/laptop and the modem. Wireless network cards, which can be PCMCIA or external adapters that use a USB port, must be from the same manufacturer as your wireless modem/router, or clearly state that they are compatible with such.

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