Regular eye exams are important to detect signs that a person needs glasses, such as blurred vision, difficulty reading, and tired eyes. The American Optometric Association recommends children have their first eye exam at one year old, while the Vision Council of America recommends annual exams for everyone. Different eye problems require different types of corrective lenses, which are prescribed by an eye doctor after a series of tests.
If people need glasses, there are usually warning signs telling them it’s time to get an eye exam. These warning signs should be recognized so that vision does not deteriorate further. The American Optometric Association recommends that children have their first eye exam by the age of one. They should have one again when they turn three. The Vision Council of America recommends that everyone get an eye exam on an annual basis.
Signs that a person needs glasses include not seeing well at night and having blurred vision. If a person sees floating spots, has difficulty reading, or suffers from tired eyes, these are other warning signs that glasses are needed. People who are unable to see well in daylight or suffer from frequent headaches should also consider seeing an ophthalmologist. Children who sit too close to the television, hold objects very close to their eyes, or have trouble seeing the chalkboard in school may also need glasses.
People who need glasses fall into one of several categories. For example, some people who need glasses may be nearsighted. This means they see well up close but have trouble seeing objects further away. Those with this particular eye problem may squint or not be able to see television clearly. They may also have trouble reading the words on signs.
Farsighted people have difficulty seeing nearby objects. On the other hand, they can easily see objects located further away. Farsightedness often causes people to blink excessively.
Astigmatism is a problem with the shape of the eye. People with astigmatism cannot see distant or near objects. Such a condition can often cause watery eyes or fatigue. It can also be difficult for a person to work with computers.
Amblyopia means that a person suffers from a lazy eye. This means that one eye transfers an unclear image to the brain. As a result, the brain ignores the image, causing one eye to see better than the other. Those with amblyopia may often need to wear an eye patch to strengthen the weaker eye.
To determine if a person needs corrective lenses, eye doctors examine the eyes using a series of tests. If she determines that the patient needs glasses, then she will prescribe lenses that will allow him to see clearly. Some people will only be required to wear glasses to watch television or read, while others will be required to wear glasses all the time. Those who do not wish to wear eyeglasses have the option of using contact lenses.